Tuesday, (15/11/2022)Goes to Campus” activity from Izada High School South Tangerang to Diponegoro University. In the introduction of the College World to its undergraduate students, the Faculty of Science and Mathematics was chosen for the study tour venue. The arrival of students along with their supervising teachers and academic coordinators to the Faculty of Science and Mathematics was warmly welcomed by the Dean Prof. Dr. Widowati, S.Si, M.Si in the Acintya Prasada Building, the Hall is on the 6th floor.

In his speech, Dean Prof. Dr. Widowati, S.Si, M.Si this “goes to campus ” event. A happy occasion. He said that Undip is open to prospective students who aspire to further study at Undip. Prospective students can apply to Undip with many pathways, such as SNMPTN, SBMPTN, achievement pathway, independent pathway and many more. Students from SMA Izada Tangerang Selatan were invited to tour the campus through a video that was presented by the committee. Introduction to the campus, academic activities, teaching-learning activities, research, service, facilities that are very supportive of education and other activities that support and hone the soft skills of prospective students later. There are also international activities such as visiting professor and lecture, annual conference, international students mobility and research. Some of these international activities are very ‘ exciting” because it involves students to melatif soft skills

Followed by a speech from the Vice Principal of curriculum Mrs. Anita Sialagan, S.Si as a representative of the supervisor of SMA Izada South Tangerang. Thank you for the warm welcome from the dean of the Faculty of Science and Mathematics and all staff. In a happy occasion, Mrs. Anita Sialagan, S.Si giving direction to his students, according to Prof. Widowati, S.SI, M.Si that Undip opens wide opportunities for paths outside SBMPTN such as the independent examination path and the achievement path for the selection of outstanding superior seeds (SBUB) in Undip. (Yeye)

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