Semarang, February 7, 2025 – The Faculty of Science and Mathematics (FSM) Diponegoro University held a signing of the 2025 Performance Target Agreement and Preparation for the Beginning of Even Semester in the 2024/2025 academic year in the 6th Floor Hall Room of the Acintya Prasada FSM UNDIP Building. The event on Friday morning was attended by the Dean of FSM, Deputy Deans, Heads of Study Programs, Heads of Departments, and all lecturers and education staff in the FSM environment.

The event was opened by the Dean of FSM, Prof. Dr. Kusworo Adi, S.Si., M.T., who delivered the performance targets given by the university to be achieved by FSM in 2025. In his speech, Prof. Kusworo highlighted several important achievements of FSM, including a significant increase in scientific publications in the previous year, success in strengthening the introduction of FSM to the broader community, as well as the proud position of several FSM study programs in the EduRank ranking.

Furthermore, the Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, Dr. Ngadiwiyana, S.Si., M.Si., gave a presentation on preparing even semester lectures for FY 2024/2025. Dr. Ngadiwiyana explained that the faculty’s academic calendar has been fully adjusted to the university’s academic calendar, including the graduation period and grade revision. In addition, he conveyed plans to hold a mid-semester grade evaluation report as a strategic step to provide opportunities for students to improve grades in the middle of the current semester.

On the same occasion, the Vice Dean for Resources, Dr. Eng. Adi Wibowo, S.Si., M.Kom., appreciated all lecturers’ timely completion of faculty service and research proposals. He also encouraged study programs to be more active in proposing activities within the World Class University (WCU) framework to support Diponegoro University’s internationalization program at the global level.

The main event, namely the signing of the performance target between the Head of Study Program and the Head of Department with the Dean of FSM, took place solemnly. This signing is a joint commitment to achieving the performance targets set for 2025. The event was closed with a friendly session and a meal together, which became a place to strengthen togetherness in the UNDIP FSM environment.

With this spirit of togetherness, FSM UNDIP is optimistic that it can maintain its best achievements while continuing to contribute to supporting the vision of internationalization of Diponegoro University.

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