Semarang – The Faculty of Science and Mathematics (FSM) Diponegoro University held a Draft Follow-up Plan (RTL) Discussion Meeting on February 18, 2025, in the 4th Floor Conference Room of Acintya Prasada Building FSM UNDIP, which faculty leaders, heads of study programs, TPMF and GPM teams attended.

In his remarks, the Deputy Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, Dr. Ngadiwiyana, S.Si., M.Si., emphasized that by taking appropriate mitigation actions, the faculty can avoid the recurrence of the same problem. “Today, we try to look at some of the follow-up plans that have been made by study programs based on the findings of AMI 2024, as well as discuss strategies to maintain and improve academic quality standards.”

The meeting discussed corrective measures for various findings from the previous audit process, including academic aspects, services to students and quality of education. Each unit, TPMF Team and GPM were asked to respond to the action plan to follow up on the improvement recommendations. Some of the points highlighted were increasing interest in the study program, optimizing technology in learning and strengthening the evaluation mechanism of lecture activities.

As a follow-up step, TPMF will monitor the implementation of improvements until the re-evaluation in March 2025. Hopefully, this action plan can be a foothold in improving the quality of education at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics.

FSM UNDIP hopes that through this activity, the quality of education can continue to improve and academic quality standards are increasingly maintained. With the commitment and cooperation of all parties, the faculty is optimistic that it can overcome the existing challenges and continue contributing to the development of superior education.

The meeting was closed by preparing a repair schedule and signing the RTL before being collected to the university. FSM UNDIP hopes that through this activity, the quality of education can continue to improve and academic quality standards are increasingly maintained. With the commitment and cooperation of all parties, the faculty is optimistic that it can overcome the existing challenges and continue contributing to the development of superior education.

[FSM Public Relations]

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