Semarang, February 21, 2025 – The Faculty of Science and Mathematics (FSM) Diponegoro University held a coordination meeting of the Zona Integritas Team (ZI) at the Acintya Prasada Building, 4th Floor. The meeting was chaired by the Vice Dean for Resources, Dr. Eng. Adi Wibowo, S.Si., M.Kom., and discussed the evaluation and optimization of the implementation of the Integrity Zone program within the Undip FSM.

In this meeting, it was conveyed that the deadline for filling out the Lembar Kerja Evaluasi (LKE) by the faculty was set until March 7, 2025. Each team is expected to immediately complete the required documents, including meeting notes, invitation lists, team work documentation, and work plan books that include the achievements of the previous year and the current year’s action plan. The SOP for team formation will be reviewed and compiled by the Tim Penjaminan Mutu Fakultas (TPMF), with a target of finalization by the end of February 2025. FSM will also adjust the role model selection mechanism with the existing system, and ensure the implementation of service user satisfaction surveys.

To improve accountability, FSM will conduct performance evaluations, develop strategic plans (Renstra) and operational plans, and complete budget monitoring and evaluation reports. The RKAT preparation process and documentation of activities will also continue to be improved. In addition, FSM will strengthen supervision and transparency by preparing a Dean’s Decree related to the implementation of excellent service as well as a policy to improve service delivery.

In the aspect of governance, documents that still need to be completed are identified, such as SOPs for research and service, decree on the scope of access to public information disclosure, and a list of Unit Layanan Terpadu (ULT). FSM will also update the academic and student services system through various communication platforms, including WhatsApp and email services. In addition, documentation of performance accountability evaluations and Indikator Kinerja Utama (IKU) achievements from each department will be collected and accumulated as part of the Sistem Akuntabilitas Kinerja Instansi Pemerintah (SAKIP).

With better coordination and improvement of the required documents, Undip FSM is optimistic that it can improve the implementation of the Integrity Zone and strengthen a transparent, accountable, and service quality-oriented governance system.

[Public Relations FSM]

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