The Faculty of Science and Mathematics of Diponegoro University participates in the Student Exchange System Between PTN – Legal Entity (SASRABAHU). This Online System facilitates student exchange among State Universities – Indonesian Legal Entity. Besides UNDIP, the SASRABAHU program was also attended by 10 other PTN-BH Universities, namely ITS, ITB, IPB, UI, UGM, UNAIR, UNPAD, UPI, USU and UNHAS.

Flow from SASRABAHU:

  1. Students are welcome to register first and wait for the account to be validated or approved by the college administrator.
  2. Students do login.
  3. Students select the courses they want to take on the Course List page and checkout.
  4. Students review the courses taken and seek approval from the guardian lecturer with the provided template in the Course Review menu on the Dashboard page.
  5. Students upload documents for the approval letter from the guardian lecturer.
  6. Wait until the student’s course application is approved by the administrator of Diponegoro University and the destination college.
  7. Once both administrators agree, the student is already registered in the courses taken
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