fsm.undip.ac.id Kusworo Adi, son of Bumi Temanggung was inaugurated as Professor of Instrumentation Physics at the Department of Physics, FSM UNDIP. Thanks to his persistence in image technology, Kusworo was able to create technology to check the quality of beef using an android phone. The findings can later be used by the public in determining the quality of meat by referring to the SNI (Indonesian National Standard) set by the government.
“In the meantime, we are still focusing on beef innovation because the accuracy rate is still at 84 percent. We are working to increase the level of accuracy to make it more proven. After that, we will develop it for other types of meat,” said the man born in Temanggung, March 17, 1972, who since Thursday (27/5/2021) has officially written his name as Prof. Dr. Kusworo Adi, S.Si., MT.In his inaugural scientific oration as a professor entitled “Utilization of Image Technology for Determining Food Quality“, which was delivered at the Undip Academic Senate (SA) open session, Kusworo said the innovation of using image technology to determine meat quality driven by the fact that currently the ability to check the quality of meat is still limited to experts and technical practitioners. In fact, it is the people who face these conditions daily.
Therefore, to improve consumer protection, Kusworo sees the need for innovations that are simple and can be operated by the wider community. Meat consumers should be avoided from consuming beef that is not of good quality and its purity is maintained in the sense that it is not mixed with other animal meat. Of course in a affordable way.
That’s why Kusworo, who completed his bachelor’s degree in Physics at FSM Undip and completed his master’s and doctoral degree in image processing at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), was motivated to design applications that are easy to use and have reliable accuracy. The choice of camera facilities on Android is based on the consideration that almost everyone can operate the tool; while the use of parameters SNI 3932: 2008 regarding the quality of carcass and beef, because that is the current legal basis.
Regarding the level of accuracy, the father of one said there were several factors. The principle is, as long as the resolution is above 4 mega pixels, the device is categorized as suitable for use. However, how to use it and the technique, such as the distance between the object and the tool when taking it, the quality of the lighting, and the angle at which it is taken can also affect the accuracy.
Technology that is developing very rapidly in all fields needs to be supported by innovation in order to be able to help solve problems that arise. Image technology is believed to be able to test food quality through an image analysis process which includes: machine learning, computer vision, pattern recognition, and artificial intelligence.
Actually, said Kusworo, who currently serves as Deputy Dean for Resources, Business and Communication at FSM Undip; The implementation of image technology for determining food quality has been widely carried out. Among them is the determination of the quality for fruits and vegetables. However, meat with a high economic value is still rare, so it needs to be encouraged so that the wider community can do it independently.
Image is a function of light intensity which is represented in a two-dimensional plane, while digital image is an image generated from discrete digital signals. Digital image representation with pixels arranged in a matrix form (See Figure 1). From the research conducted, the system shows that image acquisition at a distance of 30 cm provides better accuracy with a 4 MP camera resolution. Image acquisition can be done from various angles with a perpendicular position between the beef and the camera smartphone.
Kusworo, who graduated from ITB with his doctoral degree with a dissertation entitled “Restoration and Phase Unwrapping of Complex Image Using a Stochastic Energy Minimization Approach” revealed the results of feature extraction such as marbling score, meat color, and fat color are then processed using the Rule Base to obtain a classification of meat quality based on SNI 3932:2008. The process is very fast, but measurable. Meanwhile, the software used is android studio and openCV.
Regarding his achievements as a professor, Kusworo said he was very grateful. He hopes that his achievement in this highest academic level will open up public perception that physics is actually close to the real things in life. “Physics does not only contain theories that only exist in thought, but exist in practical forms that are useful in everyday life,” said the course supervisor Systems Computer Vision, Basic Electronics, Instrumentation, Computer Networking, Image Processing, Image Analysis and Pattern Recognition, Biometrics, and Machine Vision this
The application of physics in the food sector, as he did, is expected to spark interest for students and students to innovate. However, modern technology that is able to increase the efficiency of the production process and the quality of food is still very much needed in realizing food security. “Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics are not difficult sciences. Anyone can learn it. I am a farmer’s son from the village, I have proven it,” said Kusworo. (SPA)