Wednesday, (08/03/2023) Activities “Goes to Campus” from MAN 19 Jakarta to Diponegoro University. In the introduction of the College World to its students, the Faculty of Science and mathematics was chosen for the place study tour. The arrival of students and teachers and academic coordinators to the Faculty of Science and mathematics was warmly welcomed by the vice dean of academic and Student Affairs Mr. Farikhin, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. in Acintya Prasada Building Hall Room 6th floor. In his speech, Vice Dean of academic and Student Affairs Mr. Farikhin, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. appreciation for the activity. “goes to campus”this. In a happy occasion, he said that prospective students improve the spirit of learning to be able to enter state universities. Diponegoro University is very open for prospective students who have aspirations to take study continue on the slide. Prospective students can apply to Undip through various channels, such as SNBP, SNBT, mandiri, and SBUB in Undip.

Students from MAN 19 Jakarta are invited to surround the Faculty of Science and mathematics through a video that has been displayed by the operator. Introduction of campus profile, academic activities, teaching and learning activities, research, service, facilities that really support education, and other activities to support and hone soft skill prospective students. In addition, there are also international activities such as visiting professor and lecture, annual conference, international students mobility and research. Some of these international activities are very interesting because they involve students to train soft skill.
Greetings from Mr. H. Syahroni as a representative of MAN 19 Jakarta would like to thank for the warm welcome from the vice dean of academic and Student Affairs of the Faculty of Science and Mathematics and all staff. On a happy occasion, he said that to be accepted at Diponegoro University, it takes a struggle with learning and prayer. Based on a survey that MAN 19 Jakarta students want to study at undip., therefore held the activity goes to campus to Diponegoro University.
Included in the core event is a brief profile presentation from the Department of Physics delivered by Prof. Dr. Heri Sutanto, M.Si. and continued the presentation of the Department of Chemistry delivered by Mr. Adi Darmawan, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. After a brief profile presentation session from the Department of Physics and the Department of Chemistry, the last event was a discussion and question and answer session with students of MAN 19 Jakarta. (prima)