fsm.undip.ac.id/ It is an honor for FSM UNDIP to be able to host gymnastic activities with the academic community of Diponegoro University, in this gymnastic activity attended by the Dean and Vice Deans of FSM UNDIP, Vice Chancellor II, Chair of LPPM, Academic Senate, RSND, Dean of FEB, Dean of FKM, Dean of FH, Dean of FIB, and officials in Diponegoro University, not to forget the lecturers, staff and students who enlivened this activity.

Maintaining the health and physical fitness of employees is one of Undip’s main focuses in order to create a conducive work environment and have a positive impact on employees in all units. On his occasion, Vice Rector II Prof. Dr. rer.nat. Heru Susanto, S.T., M.M., M.T. welcomed the enthusiasm of the participants who had attended and participated in the Joint Gymnastics activities with enthusiasm. He conveyed to maintain health and cohesiveness in cooperation both within one unit and between units.

In yesterday’s joint gymnastics, there were so many people who participated that even security officers from the neighboring FSM faculty also participated. (Yeye)

senam bersama
Gymnastics with Diponegro University. Photo By : UP2TI FSM
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