fsm.undip.ac.id/ Thursday – Sunday, December 21 – 23, 2023 The Faculty of Science and Mathematics officially increased international cooperation with the Faculty of Science and Natural Resources, University of Malaysia Sabah.

The cooperation was signed by the dean of FSM Prof. Dr. Widowati, S.Si., M.Si with the dean of FSNR-UMS Prof. Dr. Jualang Azlan Gansau. The signing was attended by several leaders and lecturers from FSNR-UMS, while from Undip FSM Prof. Dr. Dra. Meiny Suzery, MS and Prof. Bambang Cahyono, MS. The cooperation agreement between Undip FSM and the Faculty of Science and Natural Resources, University of Malaysia Sabah resulted in a mutual agreement on the development of education, research and community service with the scope of Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Statistics, Informatics and Biotechnology which includes all departments in Undip FSM.

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Signing of Cooperation Agreement

Implementation of cooperation or implementation of this cooperation agreement includes joint research, joint publications, seminars, workshops, visiting lecturer / professor, staff exchange, student exchange and other academic activities. One of the implementations of the collaboration that has been carried out on December 21-23, 2023 in Sabah Malaysia is Visiting Professor with Prof. Dr. Bambang Cahyono, MS as a resource person. (public relations)

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