fsm.undip.ac.id/ “For his research contributions in medical image processing and dosimetry for diagnostic radiology, particularly in computed tomography.”
Dr. Choirul Anam, S.Si., M.Si., F.Med. is one of the Diponegoro University (UNDIP) scientists from the Faculty of Science and Mathematics who won The IUPAP Early Career Scientist Prize in Medical Physics 2022.
The award was obtained from the International Organization for Medical Physics (IOMP) in collaboration with the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP). The award was presented in Mumbai, India, at the International Conference on Medical Physics (ICMP) held on December 6-9, 2023. The International Congress of Medical Physics (ICMP) is an event that is held every two years.
The recipient of this award is a young scientist who is considered to have made the most contribution to medical physics in the world and has conducted medical physics research within a maximum of 8 (eight) years after graduating from the doctoral program. This award is only given to one person in the world for each year. The selection of award recipients is carried out by a special committee consisting of leading scientists in the world.
In a release on Thursday (28/12/2023) Dr. Anam and his team have developed software for CT dosimetry, namely IndoseCT and for image quality in CT, namely IndoQCT. Both software have been downloaded by students, scientists, and researchers from around 50 countries.
Dr. Anam completed his Ph.D. degree at the Physics Department of Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) in 2018. He obtained his Master’s degree from the University of Indonesia (UI) in 2010 and his B.Sc degree in physics from Diponegoro University (UNDIP) in 2001. In 2016, he conducted research on computerized tomography (CT) dosimetry at Kyushu University (KU). He currently works as a Lecturer and Researcher at UNDIP. His research interests are medical image reconstruction, medical image processing, and dosimetry for diagnostic radiology, particularly CT.
To date, Dr. Anam has published around 200 papers, 50 of which he is the first author and almost 100 of which are indexed in Scopus. Previously, Dr. Anam and his team were awarded by the American Association of Medical Physicists (AAPM) as Best Paper for Medical Imaging Physics.

He has been a reviewer in many reputable medical physics journals, such as Medical Physics (Med Phys), Physics in Medicine and Biology (PMB), Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics (JACMP), and so on. One of his papers published in the Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics (JACMP) was honored as the Best Medical Imaging Physics Article in 2016. He received the Best Paper Award at the 15th Southeast Asian Congress of Medical Physics (SEACOMP). He was also honored as Outstanding Reviewer for Physics in Medicine and Biology (PMB) in 2018 and Biomedical Physics and Engineering Express (BPEX) in 2019. He was also awarded the SEAFOMP Young Leader Awards 2019 for his contributions to dosimetry and CT imaging quality from the Southeast Asian Federation of Medical Physics Organizations (SEAFOMP). In 2022, he became the 3rd Best Author of SINTA Science and Engineering category, at UNDIP. He is the developer of two software, namely IndoseCT (Software for measuring and managing computer tomography radiation dose for individual patients) and IndoQCT (Software for measuring CT image quality). [Public Relations]