Wonogiri, July 23, 2024 – Dewi Septiarti, a student of KKN Team II Diponegoro University (Undip) majoring in Mathematics, gave a presentation and counseling on math classes for children in Sambeng Hamlet. The event was held at the Sambeng Hamlet Hall on Tuesday, July 23, 2024 at 11.00 WIB, which was attended by Sambeng Hamlet PKK mothers.

In her presentation, Dewi explained the importance of basic understanding of math from an early age to help children’s cognitive development. Math is not just about numbers, but also about logical thinking and problem solving that will be useful throughout their lives.

“Math is the foundation of many other sciences. With a strong understanding from an early age, children can more easily absorb lessons at higher education levels,” said Dewi Septiarti.

Dewi also gave various examples of the application of math in everyday life, such as counting money when shopping, measuring ingredients when cooking, and reading time. In addition, Dewi uses various simple tools, such as number blocks, cards, and interactive games, to make learning math fun and interesting for children.

During the class session, the mothers enthusiastically followed every activity guided by Dewi. They were invited to actively participate in math games, answer questions, and work together in groups. The PKK mothers were also given tips and tricks to help their children learn math at home.

The head of the PKK Sambeng Hamlet, Mrs. Sri Rejeki, expressed her appreciation for Dewi and KKN Team II Undip’s initiative in organizing this math class counseling. “We are very grateful to Dewi and her team. This activity is very useful and provides new insights for us as parents in supporting children’s education,” said Mrs. Sri.

The event was also characterized by a question and answer session where parents could ask Dewi directly about effective ways to teach math at home. Some parents expressed their concerns about their children’s difficulties in understanding math lessons at school. Dewi provided explanations and practical solutions that can be applied daily.

One of the residents of Sambeng Hamlet, Mrs. Siti, stated, “What Dewi explained really helped us as parents. It turns out that there are many creative ways to teach math that we can try at home. This is very beneficial for our children’s development.”

With the math class event organized by Dewi Septiarti, it is hoped that the children of Sambeng Hamlet will be more enthusiastic in learning mathematics and parents will be more informed about how to support their learning. The spirit of collaboration between Undip KKN students and the people of Sambeng Hamlet is expected to continue to create a positive and conducive learning environment for the next generation.

(Dewi Septiarti / Team II KKN Undip)

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