Wonosari, August 18, 2024 – Students from Diponegoro University (UNDIP) successfully held a Work Program “Strengthening the Character of Pancasila Students” which took place at State Elementary School 02 Wonosari. This program was carried out in two stages, namely on Tuesday, July 23, 2024 and Friday, August 2, 2024, with the main target of students of State Elementary School 02 Wonosari. This program aims to support the strengthening of the character of Pancasila Students by instilling values such as independence, mutual cooperation, nationalism, humanity, and social justice to students.

In the first phase, the program began with the socialization of the history of Wonosari Village delivered by Adel. Through this material, students were invited to learn more about the history of their own village, foster a sense of love for the country, and generate pride in local identity. Next, Citra took over by delivering anti-bullying socialization. This topic was met with enthusiasm by the students. Citra educated the students on the importance of maintaining mutual respect, fostering empathy, and preventing bullying in the school environment. Not only that, in another session in the first phase, Siti gave tips and tricks to do two-digit multiplication, which was followed enthusiastically by the students. Siti managed to turn math lessons that were considered difficult into fun through various creative methods and games that involved all students. In the next session, Aisyah brought the students to play while learning through the Secret Message Game Using Modular Arithmetic. This game teaches students about basic math concepts in a fun way. The activity is designed to train students’ analytical thinking, which is an important part of strengthening the character of Pancasila Students.

Dokumentasi Penguatan Karakter Pelajar Pancasila

The second phase of the program took place on Friday, 2 August 2024. Arif started the session by providing socialization about the importance of speaking skills. In his presentation, Arif invited students to dare to speak in public, increase self-confidence, and develop critical thinking skills. This was followed by Junita who provided training on market analysis and SWOT. This material, although sounding complex, was presented in a method that was easily understood by the students. The last session was filled by Ferdi with the practice of making water filtration. In this practice, Ferdi explained the importance of access to clean water and how simple technology can be used to make water filtration devices. With easily available materials, students were taught how to make a simple water filtration device that can be useful in their neighborhood, especially in emergency situations. This practice is expected to increase students’ practical knowledge and raise awareness of the importance of maintaining cleanliness and environmental sustainability.

The KKN work program Strengthening the Character of Pancasila Students at State Elementary School 02 Wonosari is part of the commitment of UNDIP students to make a real contribution to society, especially in shaping the character of the younger generation who have the spirit of Pancasila. With various activities that combine theoretical and practical learning, it is hoped that students of State Elementary School 02 Wonosari will be more enthusiastic in learning and able to instill Pancasila values in their daily lives. (Aisyah).

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