Semarang, January 31, 2025. The Faculty of Science and Mathematics (FSM) Diponegoro University (UNDIP) held the 123rd student graduation Judicium for the January 2025 period on January 31, 2025, at the 6th floor Acintya Prasada Building, FSM UNDIP. The event was opened by the Chairperson of the FSM Senate, Prof. Dr. Tri Retnaningsih Soeprobowati, M.App.Sc. and attended by the Dean, Vice Dean, Head of Department, Secretary of Department Head of Study Program, Manager, and Supervisor in FSM. In this Judicium period, 206 prospective graduates graduated, 30 of whom graduated as masters and 176 as bachelors.

In his remarks, the Dean of FSM, Prof. Dr. Kusworo Adi, MT, congratulated the prospective graduates and advised them to always fly the FSM flag with professional expertise in building the nation. The Dean also hopes that communication between alumni and their beloved alma mater will continue to be established. On this occasion, the Dean also informed prospective undergraduate graduates of the opportunity to continue their master’s education at an affordable cost through the Postgraduate Acceleration Program (PAS) program. This program is intended for Diponegoro University graduates who register a maximum of 6 months after graduating from the Professional Program, Bachelor Program (S1) / Applied Bachelor Program (S1 Applied). Complete information on this program can also be seen at

The 123rd Judicium of FSM UNDIP showed a sweet record of student achievement during the lectures, where 119 graduate candidates graduated with the title Cumlaude. Of these, 19 prospective graduates came from the master’s program, and 100 prospective students from the undergraduate program. The prospective graduate with the best academic achievement in this period’s Judicium was given to sister Falidazia Hasanah Faizana from the S1 Statistics study program, who then received the Dean’s Award from the Dean of FSM.

After attending the 123rd UNDIP FSM Judiciary, prospective graduates participated in the 177th Diponegoro University graduation ceremony on February 4, 2025, at the Muladi Dome Convention Center Building. This building is the grandest convention center in Semarang and is the pride of Diponegoro University, which can accommodate more than 5000 visitors. In addition, this building is also equipped with office facilities and meeting points on the first floor.

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