The Faculty of Science and Mathematics (FSM) of Diponegoro University (Undip) held the inaugural Faculty Work Meeting (RKF) in 2025 on Thursday, March 13, 2025, at Acintya Prasada Building, 4th Floor. This activity was attended by faculty leaders, management ranks, heads and secretaries of study programs, and field coordinators in FSM.

The Dean of FSM, Prof. Dr. Kusworo Adi, S.Si., M.T., in his direction emphasized the importance of efficiency in faculty operations. He proposed several concrete steps, such as reducing the use of paper in invitations and switching to electronic format and replacing lighting with LED lights to save electricity. In addition, Prof. Kusworo also discussed improving employee attendance as well as FSM’s promotion strategy in admitting new students through the SNBT and Independent Examination (UM) pathways.

The Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, Dr. Ngadiwiyana, S.Si., M.Si., delivered several important agendas related to academics and student affairs. Preparation for LAM-SAMA accreditation visitation for Biotechnology S1 Study Program and Physics S2 Study Program is one of the main focuses, including checking form documents and data collection of facilities and infrastructure. In addition, monitoring of practicum implementation is carried out to ensure the suitability of equipment, adequacy of consumables, and work safety facilities (K3). This meeting also discussed the replacement component of the final project, including the conversion of national and international competition achievements, journal publications, patents, entrepreneurship, and project assignments. Technical guidelines for research and community service for students in 2025 also became an important discussion in supporting the improvement of academic quality. Regarding the academic schedule, the Mid-Semester Examination (UTS) will be held on April 8-17, 2025, while the 178th graduation which was originally scheduled earlier was postponed to May 6-8, 2025.

Meanwhile, the Vice Dean for Resources, Dr. Eng. Adi Wibowo, S.Si., M.Kom., explained the professional development and career of lecturers based on the latest regulation KEPMENDIKTISAINTEK 63/M/KEP/2025. Evaluation of lecturer academic promotion will be done holistically through PDDIKTI and SINTA. In addition, efficiency in faculty operations is a major concern, such as the use of electronic mail, saving electrical energy, and optimizing faculty facilities in organizing activities. In an effort to improve the Main Performance Indicators (IKU), FSM will encourage research, community service, cooperation, and science and technology-based businesses. FSM’s promotion strategy in new student admissions through SNBT and Independent Examinations is also a major focus in order to attract more prospective students. The faculty also targets the implementation of various World Class University (WCU) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) based activities to support the achievement of the faculty’s KPIs.

With this RKF, it is hoped that FSM UNDIP can continue to improve academic quality, operational efficiency, and competitiveness on a national and international scale. The faculty is committed to continuing to innovate in academic management, resources, and contributions to the development of science and technology.

[FSM Public Relations]

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