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Homy Residential Facility for High Motivated Students

Exploring Your Uniqueness With An Excellent Learning Environment

Experiencing Cultural Arts in Diversity

Field Research and Nature Experience

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Berita Terkini

Diponegoro University Mathematics Hosts SEAMS School 2024

Diponegoro University Mathematics Hosts SEAMS School 2024

            The Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Universitas Diponegoro holds the SEAMS School 2024. The activity held on July 1-9 2024, with the topic is "Derivations on Rings and Modules with Applications". SEAMS School 2024 is...

Penelitian dan Pengabdian Undip

Mengungkap misteri alam dan teknologi dalam eksperimen yang terang. Buku dan jurnal, rekan setia di tangan, Kampus adalah tempat di mana penelitian menjadi nyata.

Pengabdian yang senantiasa menjadi pengaplikasian pengetahuan untuk kebaikan masyarakat. Mengajar, berbagi, serta memberi inspirasi, Universitas adalah tempat pengabdian yang suci.

Lebih Lanjut

UNDIP KKN Students Strengthen the Character of Pancasila Students at State Elementary School 02 Wonosari

Wonosari, August 18, 2024 - Students from Diponegoro University (UNDIP) successfully held a Work Program “Strengthening the Character of Pancasila Students” which took place at State Elementary School 02 Wonosari. This program was carried out in two stages, namely on...

Math Module at SD Negeri 2 Jagan: Innovative Math Logic for Fast Counting

The Community Service Program (KKN) in Jagan Village, Bendosari District, Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java Province by Eka Auliya Syifa who is a KKN student from the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Diponegoro University this time presents...

Math Class for Children in Sambeng Hamlet

Wonogiri, July 23, 2024 - Dewi Septiarti, a student of KKN Team II Diponegoro University (Undip) majoring in Mathematics, gave a presentation and counseling on math classes for children in Sambeng Hamlet. The event was held at the Sambeng Hamlet Hall on Tuesday, July...

A Major Leap for Ibu Tati’s MSME: TIM II KKN UNDIP’s Strategy Boosts Banana Chips Sales

Gunungbatu (22/07/2024) - Ibu Tati, a resilient entrepreneur, started her banana chips business with great enthusiasm. In a short period, her banana chips have successfully penetrated the markets in Kesesi, Comal, and various areas in Pemalang. Keripik Pisang “Mbak...

Diponegoro University Mathematics Hosts SEAMS School 2024

            The Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Universitas Diponegoro holds the SEAMS School 2024. The activity held on July 1-9 2024, with the topic is "Derivations on Rings and Modules with Applications". SEAMS School 2024 is...


Temukan Kami

Sustainable Development Goals Undip

“Universitas Diponegoro sebagai institusi pendidikan tinggi di Indonesia berkomitmen dalam melaksanakan berbagai program terkait SDGs. Seluruh fakultas, sekolah dan unit lain di Undip telah menyusun program dan kegiatan untuk mencapai 17 tujuan dalam SDGs. Hal ini dalam rangka mendukung komitmen Pemerintah Indonesia dalam mencapai target nasional SDGs.”


Jl. Prof. Soedarto, SH., Tembalang, Semarang 50275
Telp : 024 - 7460036
Email : humas[at]live.undip.ac.id

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