University of Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Chemistry students conduct research at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Diponegoro University. This was done as an implementation of the collaboration between UNDIP and UMS. Two Masters students, namely Raimalynah Binti Abd Razak in their research were guided by Dr. Meiny Suzery, MS, focusing on Hyptolide from Hyptis pectinata exhibit remarkable inhibition properties towards the ClpP of the proteolytic subunit Plasmodium knowlesi and Rafida Razali guided by Dr. Mukhammad Ash’ari , S.Si, M.Sc. by researching In Silico Interaction of Ligands with Proteins through Molecular Dynamics Simulation Using Gromacs 2019 Software. The research was carried out for a week namely on December 23 to 31, 2019.

Good collaboration between Diponegoro University and Malaysia Sabah University has been carried out since the previous year. In 2018, the Faculty of Science and Mathematics (FSM), Diponegoro University has accepted four students of the University of Malaysia Sabah to take 12 credits for one semester in the S1-Chemistry study program. This good collaboration is planned to continue. This is indicated by the plan to send Diponegoro University chemistry students to conduct studies or research at Malaysia Sabah University in 2020 in the near future.

The existence of good collaboration between the two universities is expected to improve quality and increase scientific insight, competence and capacity of students and provide opportunities for students to conduct research at the University on an international scale.

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