Welcoming the 32nd Anniversary of the Faculty of Science and Mathematics and the 63rd Anniversary of Diponegoro University, the Faculty of Science and Mathematics of Diponegoro University held an international conference entitled A Web Conference The 10th International Seminar on New Paradigm and Innovation on Natural Sciences and its Application (ISNINSA) . This year’s Undip FSM annual conference was held on 24-25 September 2020 with the theme “DEVELOPING INNOVATIONS AND CHALLENGES IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FOR BETTER LIVING”. The keynote speaker in this event was Prof. Hidetaka Arimura Ph.D from Kyushu University Japan, Prof. Dr. Khairil Anwar Notodiputro from the Bogor Agricultural Institute, Prof. Wenny Rahayu from La Trobe University, Australia, Prof. Ming-Chien Su from National Dong Hwa University Taiwan, Jirawat Yongsawatdigul, PhD. from Suranaree University of Technology Thailand, Prof. Dr. Toshioh Fujibuchi from Kyushu University Japan and Prof. Dr. Tri Retnaningsih Soeprobowati, M.App.Sc. from Diponegoro University.
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