The Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Diponegoro University, on January 27, 2022, held the 111th Judiciary. The event was attended by faculty leaders and student representatives who were graduated. In addition, the other participants took part in the judicial event virtually from their respective homes. The Yudisium event was led by the Dean of the Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Prof. Dr. Widowati, MSi and at the same time gave a speech. Then the Deputy Dean for Academic and Student Affairs Farikhin, SSi, MSi, PhD read the 111th Yudisium report. Furthermore, the Deputy Dean for Resources, Prof. Dr. Kusworo Adi, MT called the names of the graduates. At the 111th Judiciary of the Faculty of Science and Mathematics, 163 students graduated with details of graduating as Masters 9 people, graduating as undergraduates as many as 150 people, and graduating as intermediate experts as many as 4 people. The event continued with remarks from student representatives and the Dean, then the event was closed by the Dean.
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