Thursday, February 17, 2022, the Faculty of Science and Mathematics at Diponegoro University held an Initial Work Meeting for 2022 via zoom meeting with the agenda for the signing of the PTNBH IKU Performance Contract and the 2022 RENSTRA IKU. The meeting was attended by faculty leaders and department heads, study program heads, and secretary of the study program. On that occasion the Dean of the Faculty of Science and Mathematics Prof. Dr. Widowati, MSi gave a speech about how to achieve the targets that have been given by the faculty, then continued with a presentation about PTNBH IKU. The event continued with a presentation by the Deputy Dean for Academics and Student Affairs, Farikhin, SSi, MSi, PhD, about PTNBH’s IKU for Academic and Student Affairs. Furthermore, the Deputy Dean for Resources, Prof. Dr. Kusworo Adi, MT explained the IKU RENSTRA for Resources. The event continued with discussion and closing by the Dean.

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