SEMARANG – the community service team of the Faculty of Science and Mathematics (FSM) of Diponegoro University (Undip), harvested fish which is the result of cultivating a polyculture system in the Karimunjawa Islands area, Jepara Regency, Sunday (4/9/2022).

This harvesting was witnessed by the principal, teaching staff and a number of student representatives of SMK N 1 Karimunjawa.

This activity is inseparable from the efforts of the community service team to empower coastal communities through modern cultivation systems in the Karimunjawa utilization zone area.

FSM team, the field of Biological Sciences is chaired by Prof. Drs. Sapto P. Putro, M.Si., Ph.D with members consisting of Farikhin, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D and Nurdin Bahtiar SSi MT.

Sapto P Putro said, the cultivation of this polycular system is very good and easy to apply, so it is easy for residents to do. In this polyculture cultivation pattern, there are many types of fish by applying better environmental aspects.

Where the system becomes a more efficient alternative to replace conventional cultivation systems. These advantages still pay attention to the environmental friendliness of cultivation activities. Environmentally friendly cultivation is important to reduce waste to the aquatic environment

The types harvested include white snapper (lates calcarifer), star Pomfret (trachinotus blochii), and beautiful grouper (hybrid Epinephelus microdon X E. polyphekadion).

The sowing of seeds itself was previously carried out in multi-tiered round floating net cages (KJABB) of the Integrated Multi Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) system, Karya Inovasi, head of the Matching Fund of Indonesian sovereignty for Reka Cipta (MF-Kedaireka) 2021, Prof. Sapto P. Putro PhD, who is also the head of the Laboratory of the Center of Marine Biomonitoring for Sustainable Aquaculture (Ce-MEBS) Undip.

Meanwhile, the dean of FSM Undip Prof. Dr. Widowati, who was present as an invited guest on that occasion, said that community service carried out on the Karimunjawa Coast was an activity to improve the fisheries sector because of its enormous potential.

On the other hand, the demand generated from the growth of the fisheries sector is predicted to be a driver for the economic development of countries that have abundant maritime potential, including Indonesia.

Furthermore, according to him, the purpose of this service activity is to implement environmentally friendly aquaculture practices that can increase the production of polyculture fish farming systems and reduce the risk of aquaculture activities to the aquatic environment.

“By involving students of SMK Negeri 1 Karimunjawa, then they will know and understand it,” he explained.

The service activity, which took place from September 3-5, 2022, was a follow-up to the previous service activity, namely socialization of understanding the concept of modern cultivation of the IMTA system on May 25 to 28, 2022. (she)


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