fsm.undip.ac.id.– With the socialization of the introduction of LPPM Undip programs to lecturers in the Faculty of Science and Mathematics. Prof. Dr. Widowati, S. Si, M. Si as the dean of FSM gave a speech and a welcome speech to the Vice Chairman of Service Prof. Dr. Rahayu, S.H, M. Hum with the team. LPPM undip has many activity programs such as IDPU, PKM, manuscript Clinic and many others. With this activity, it is expected that the performance indicators for the Strategic Plan and to motivate all lecturers in the FSM environment, therefore LPPM conducted a “pick up ball” to the Faculty of Science and Mathematics. He expects all lecturers to be able to publish their work.
Prof. Dr. Rahayu, S. H, M. Hum and the team have the task of socializing to all faculties and units. Pick up the ball is the way chosen by LPPM to be more effective in this socialization. He expects there is synergy and cooperation support from the faculty to support the achievements of IKU PTNBH and IKU Renstra.
Continued on LPPM work programs related to research; community service; Rector Regulation No.11 on research and community service; other programs such as SIP3MU, Proofeding, manuscript Clinic, SPJ application, assignment letter making, journal Management, KKN Management, Cooperation; Internal Quality Assurance LPPM.
The Faculty of Science and Mathematics received special attention from LPPM because it has published journals, Scientific Papers, research and community service which are classified as high, therefore LPPM continues to motivate all lecturers within the FSM to continue to contribute, synergize and work together to support the achievements of IKU PTNBH and IKU RENSTRA Diponegoro University. (Yeye)