fsm.undip.ac.id – In the introduction of the world of Higher Education to its students, the Faculty of Science and Mathematics and the Faculty of Economics and business are selected for the study tour. The arrival of the students and their academic supervisors and coordinators to the Faculty of Science and mathematics was warmly welcomed by the Dean Prof. Dr. Widowati, S.Si., M.Si. in Acintya Prasada Building Hall Room 6th floor.
In her speech Mrs. Dean Prof. Dr. Widowati, S.Si., M.Si. I appreciate this “going to campus” thing. A happy opportunity, Belian said that Undip is open to prospective students who aspire to further study at Undip. Prospective students can apply to Undip with many pathways, such as SBMPTN pathways, invitation pathways, achievement pathways, independent pathways and many more. Students from SMA Islam Al Azhar 2 South Jakarta are invited to tour the campus through a video that has been presented by the committee. Introduction to the campus, academic activities, teaching and learning activities, research services, facilities that are very supportive of education and other activities that support and hone the soft skills of prospective students later. There are also international activities such as visiting professors and lectures, annual conferences, international students mobility and research. Some of these international activities are very “exciting” because they involve students to develop soft skills.

Followed by remarks from the curriculum coordinator Mr. Darusallam, S.Pd as the representative of Al Azhar 2 Islamic High School South Jakarta. Thank you for the warm welcome from the dean of the Faculty of Science and Mathematics and all staff. On a happy occasion, Bp. Darussalam, S.Pd gave direction to the students, as delivered by Prof. Widowati, S.SI, M.Si that Undip opens wide opportunities for pathways outside SBMPTN such as independent examination pathways and pathways for selection of outstanding seeds (SBUB) in Undip. Some of the students who come to visit in FSM have taken memorization of Quranic verses, this can be used for achievement path. Encouraging students whose memorization is not much there is still a chance before the opening of new student selection next semester. (Yeye)