Semarang, (11/15)/ The Faculty of Science and Mathematics signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Singaperbangsa University of Karawang (UNSIKA), which took place on the 4th Floor of the Acintya Persada Building of Undip FSM. a step to improve the quality of education and research development in the fields of science and mathematics.

This collaboration was formalized through a signing ceremony attended by the dean of Undip FSM Prof. Dr. Widowati, S.Si., M.Si along with a team from the Department of Informatics and representatives from Singaperbangsa University headed by the Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science Dr. Oman Komarudin, S.Si., M.Kom. The ceremony was also attended by lecturers, researchers, and students from both institutions.

This collaboration resulted in the OBE Curriculum, the involvement of Unsika lecturers to participate in ISNPINSA and ICICoST. In addition, it also produced agreements in the fields of improving the quality of education, joint research, exchange of lecturers and students, and collaboration in community service.

With the signing of this cooperation text, both institutions are optimistic that this collaboration will become a pillar of success in the field of science and mathematics. Both are committed to supporting each other in achieving common goals to improve the quality of education, encourage innovation, and make a positive contribution to society.

Undip’s Faculty of Science and Mathematics and Singaperbangsa University are confident that this collaboration will open the door to inspiring collaborative projects, create a dynamic learning environment, and produce future leaders who are ready to face global challenges. yeye

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